Choosing Manage Extension opens the Extensions dialog where you can activate and deactivate extensions. See the Managing Extensions section of this manual for further information.
Manage Control Panels
Choosing Manage Extension opens the Extensions dialog where you can activate and deactivate extensions. See the Managing Extensions section of this manual for further information.
Search Database
Choosing the Search Database command opens the Search Database dialog, where you can search Extension Overload’s database of 2400 extensions and control panels. See the Getting Information section of this manual for further information.
Search Database
Choosing the Search Database command opens the Search error codes dialog, where you can search Extension Overload’s database of 1205 error codes.
Create Report
Choosing Create Report creates a report of all the extensions and control panels in the active system folder, both activated and disabled. See the Getting Information section of this manual for further information.
The Edit menu
Choosing undo reverses the effect of your last action. Extension Overload does not support undo.
Choosing Cut transfers the selected text to the Clipboard and removes it from the window. Extension Overload does not support Cut.
Choosing Copy transfers the selected text to the Clipboard. Extension Overload does not support Copy.
Choosing Paste inserts the text from the Clipboard at the location of the blinking insertion mark. You cannot paste images or other non-textual informaiton into Extension Overload.
Choosing Clear deletes the selected text. Extension Overload does not support Clear.
The Tidbit menu
What is an Extension?
Choosing this command displays an explanation of what an extension is and how it is used.
What is a Control Panel?
Choosing this command displays an explanation of what acontrol panel is and how it is used.
What is a Shared Library?
Choosing this command opens a window, in which shared libraries (a which are similar to, but different from, “real” extensions) are explained.
Mac Keyboard Shortcuts
Choosing Mac Keyboard Shortcuts opens a window which lists a lot of helpful keyboard shortcuts that you can use during troubleshooting. In contrast to normal shortcuts such as command-C for Copy, these shortcuts let you do things for which there are no menu commands or buttons.
Easter Eggs
Easter eggs are small features, amusing but useless, in applications. They are undocumented and have to be searched for. Choosing this command opens a window in which we explain how to find some of the best ones.
Ways to make your Mac faster
Choosing this command opens a winodw in which we explain some ways to make your Mac operate faster. Some will cost money, but many are absolutely free.
Software Update Locations
Choosing Software Update Locations opens a window which lists ways to get Apple software updates over the Internet.